Salone dei Designers

Salone dei Designers

Salone dei Designers featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Living The Noom

The project is based on 3 main axes; Wellness Living, Sustainability and Flexible Living. It aims to propose a new housing concept for the real estate market. A housing concept that offers wellness and sustainable features that benefit health and the environment, with a low density and low land occupancy percentage while maintaining a competitive and affordable price. It also offers Flexible Living because it is designed as an open-plan building that can be configured in multiple options and satisfy different needs.

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Ormankoy Community Centre

To establish an intersection between Ormankoy Community Centre and the surrounded natural park which is approx. 60.000 sqm, 2 biological ponds in size of total 4000 sqm had been incorporated to project area. Along the design process, it's aimed to form a clean and sleek geometry; a unique – iconic – lasting impact. Surrounded by the natural park, functional gains had met with the requirements by the advantage of having large foot area under the 2 gable roofs lowering to ground level.

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Floating Life

There are many personalities, emotions, and characters in life. The work closely integrates the shaping of each character. Thoughts are not only reflected in the brain but also on the surface. Floating life can be experienced by everyone, and each emotion may appear more or less in everyone's life. In addition to the illustration in the poster, designer also gave a detailed explanation of each emotion in order to better feel the details in the work.

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Lattice Chair

The word “lattice” means lines intertwined with, and intersecting, each other horizontally and vertically.Especially use Taiwan's high-quality bamboo with excellent toughness,combines bamboo craft into woodcraft via weaving bamboos and bent woods together. By preserving and integrating the flexibility of bamboos and the firmness of wood, so weight of the chair is only 4 kg, but it can withstand more than 120 kg, the lighter weight allows the elderly and children to move around more easily. Single-sided armrest design allows users to sit in a variety of ways, more free and flexible.

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The Book That Grew

A book with 10 tangible lessons and 10 pieces of practical advice designed to help maximize sustainability. These 10 steps enable farmers to achieve a 'perfect' 10 rotations of grass grazing per year, and produce 10 tons of grass per hectare, a truly powerful number that will massively improve the sustainability of even the most efficient farm. A book grown entirely from the very grass that Irish farmers nurture - with each page, each word, and each diagram shaped by real grass roots as they grew.

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Dimension in the Shadows

Black paperboard is carried out laser cut precisely, come out 12 pieces of differently designed monthly calendar cards, mounted each one in a slit of wooden cube. Each abstract object represents a scene or a moment in changing seasons in Japan, but regardless of age or nationality, inspire people free imagination. It is worthy for observation as a paper sculpture, perceive a sharp outline attractively at back light. In every moment, the casted shadow forms various shape different from the paper itself according to the light come in, add a little entertainment in everyday scene respectively.

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