Salone dei Designers

Salone dei Designers

Salone dei Designers featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


K11 Musea

K11 reinvigorate the mall together with 100 creative powers hailing from different disciplines and cultures, to make K11 MUSEA the Silicon Valley of Culture and inject art, architecture, design, sustainability and all forms of culture into the new consumer’s daily life. At the core is a 35m high atrium dubbed Opera Theatre, which features hundreds of 1,800 programmable spotlights to resemble a galaxy, evoking curiosity and creativity, taking the form of a galaxy and mysterious body of stars.

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Mirror Bridge

Mirror bridge brings both lightness and vitality into the once dark and narrow flat, invoking a feeling of dream and fantasy. The twisted metal surface allows the light to be reflected multiple times indoors, increasing the illumination as well as creating a magic time-tunnel experience. The renovation made significant improvements in lighting, ventilation, and sight. The form of the ground-supported portion and the tension of its shape partially reduced the difficulty of construction.

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The interior of the Polyot restaurant reminds the scenery for a sci-fi movie. The sleek steel shapes and portholes at the entrance make the room look like the cabin of a space shuttle. One of the main principles in the interior of Polyot is minimalism. There is a lack of decor to which the audience in Moscow restaurants is so used, no patterns and ornaments on the walls and in design elements. Instead there are large shining objects.

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Chongqing Zhongshuge

Incorporating the splendid landscape of Chongqing in the bookstore, the designer has created a space where the visitors may feel like in the charming Chongqing while reading. There are five types of reading area in total, each of which is like a wonderland with distinctive features. Chongqing Zhongshuge bookstore has provided the consumers with a more fancy experience that they are not able to gain through the online shopping.

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Phuket VIP Mercury

Based on the theme of openness and brand in-depth exploration, explored the design and created a visual integration of visual extensibility and brand story with the planet as the main creative element. The plan solved the following three problems with new visual thinkings: The balance of space openness and functions; Division and combination of functional areas of space; The regularity and change of the basic spatial style.

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Sberbank Headquarters

Swiss architecture office Evolution Design in partnership with Russian architecture studio T+T architects has designed a spacious multifunctional atrium at the new corporate headquarters of Sberbank in Moscow. The daylight flooded atrium houses diverse coworking spaces and a coffee bar, with the suspended diamond shaped meeting room being the focal point of the internal courtyard. The mirror reflections, glazed internal façade and the use of plants add the sense of spaciousness and continuity.

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